Precausa (pronounced prey-CAW-sah) is a town within Arda-Mulissu, a region of the Western Coast claimed and controlled by the caster Esarhaddon. Unlike the only other major settlement within his territory, Melzi, Esarhaddon barely concerns himself with Precausa. Visits from the elf and his manor-construct are always cause for concern, as the people of the town long ago realized his attention is rarely directed towards them for benevolent reasons.
Precausa is located in the forests along the Wanassa River roughly 30 miles from the coast of the Chaska Sea. Though normally a sleepy and peaceful community, Precausa is periodically forced to address threats from the the goblins that live in the southern reaches of Arda-Mulissu, who occasionally cause problems for the townspeople by attacking their hunting parties and demanding ransoms for their safe return.