Vectra (pronounced VECK-trah) is a major city within the Western Coast. Situated at the mouth of the Ludo River, the port of Vectra is one of the largest and most active in the region. Social and political life in the city is dominated by a small number of merchant families, who between them own most of the docks and warehouses upon which the city relies.
Though not nearly as notorious for its crime as Gullport to the north, petty thievery and institutionalized bribery are rampant in Vectra. Sailors that frequent the city often remark that no one leaves Vectra with their coin purses heavy - what isn't swindled by the oligarchs or lifted by the pickpockets, the gambling houses are all too happy to take.
Vectra is currently ruled by the Lord Mayor Camosa Otxa. Otxa has struggled to maintain the support of the wealthy families of the city throughout her tenure, as she attempts to balance their demands for a hands-off approach to governance with the increasing Eretreban influence in the city. The Hellean island nation has begun to show great interest in Vectra, and ships from Eretrebus have become regular sights in the port as they purchase goods to sell elsewhere.
Most of modern Vectra was built relatively recently. In Y9951* a ship carrying a cargo of alchemist's fire burst into flames while docked in the city's harbor. The flames quickly spread from the docks into the warehouses and from there into the rest of Vectra, leaving only the burned out husks of the stone-walled homes of the wealthy, the gambling dens, and certain older structures in the center of the city. Certain reformers attempted to use the rebuilding as an opportunity to address some of the inequity of Vectran society, but on the whole life continues as it did before - if anything, the oligarchs have more power now.
The goblins of Pliver are a minor nuisance to Vectra. Ships attempting to enter the city generally leave and approach along the coastline to the north in order to avoid goblin pirates.