Nuraghe Fleet

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The Nuraghe Fleet (pronounced noo-RAH-gee) is a Pelesetian city-fleet. The fleet generally remains in the southern Sea of Khoros, especially around Garosau, Nulborokz, and Adroveer, but its crews sometimes venture farther afield, including as far south as the northern reaches of Hinthial.

Many of the ships in the fleet were originally designed and built as Viridian warships, intended for use in patrolling the western Sea of Ersas near Iaramnae. At the Battle of the Blue Cliffs in Y9884*, in the waters off the southern coast of Syrolis, this Viridian patrol fleet encountered an equally matched flotilla of Iaramnaean see raiders. In the histories told by the crews of the Nuraghe Fleet, the Viridian fleet commander ordered a series of disastrous maneuvers that brought about a victory at great cost, losing almost half his own ships to the much more nimble sea raiders and their locathah allies. In the wake of the battle, many surviving ships on both sides mutinied and deserted, fleeing south away from Viridian reach. These ships later banded together and joined the Pelesetians.

Compared to other Pelesetian fleets, the crews of the Nuraghe Fleet tend to be rather more insular and slow to trust outsiders. Though Viridia ceased actively attempting to recapture its lost vessels centuries ago, privateers and bounty hunters occasionally still cause trouble for the fleet in hopes of claiming the Dominion's still-active bounties. Today Nuraghe crews largely support themselves through fulfilling transport contracts within the Sea of Khoros.