Little Khapesh (pronounced kah-PESH) is a neighborhood in the Viridian capital of Ilirnas, located along the Tanerde Strait on the southeast side of the city. Most residents of the neighborhood are immigrants from Khapesh or their descendants.
Historically Little Khapesh has been one of the poorer neighborhoods of Ilirnas, regarded by some within the city as dirty and its inhabitants coarse. To a large degree this reputation comes from the origins of its residents. The majority of Khapeshans who set down roots in the neighborhood were and are sailors, many of whom chose to remain in Ilirnas and found work at the docks. Their general lack of interest in the pretensions of Viridian high society not only set them apart from the rest of the city but also helped them keep their diaspora community together.
Though almost all buildings in Little Khapesh are in the typical styles of western Viridian architecture, homes are more commonly decorated and furnished in a Khapeshan manner, full of rugs, low furniture, and many common spaces. Temples to many of the gods of the Khapeshan pantheon can be found in the neighborhood. Bustling markets sell ingredients, trinkets, and goods from Khapesh, as well as cooked foods that remind residents of the neighborhood of their homeland.