Ilirnas (pronounced ill-UR-noss) is the capital of Viridia, the capital of the Viridian province of Attalea Major, and the largest city in the Dominion. Ilirnas is a bustling trade city located on the Tanerde Strait connecting the Chaska and Phiora seas. The docks and markets of the city bring visitors from far and wide, and Ilirnas is highly cosmopolitan as a result.
Ilirnas is closely connected to its sister city of Felasan, located just across the Tanerde Strait. A number of large bridges connect the two cities, and the social and political spheres of the two metropolises are inseparable.
Points of interest
The Palace of the Kings from which Viridia's monarchs rule is located in Ilirnas.
Little Khapesh is a neighborhood in Ilirnas where many immigrants from Khapesh have settled. Temples to the desert kingdom's gods can be found here, as can markets selling foods and more that connect the residents of the neighborhood to their homeland.
Gate Watch
The city guard of Ilirnas are known as the Gate Watch. This name refers not to the gates of the city walls, which are imposing in their own right, but rather to the Tanerde Gate, where the Tanerde Strait narrows and where Ilirnas is located. Guards are provided with a basic breastplate and longsword as their standard equipment, but are free to use other gear as long as they remain easily identifiable. Guard armor is required to display the same symbolism as is on the city flag of Ilirnas.