Ammuken (pronounced om-moo-KEN) is a city in Brightmarch, located at the mouth of the Platinum River. Though officially independent, the city is in every practical sense controlled by the city-state of Sharruma located farther inland. Resources from Sharruma's valuable platinum mines come down the river to Ammuken, where the metal is then sold to merchants from around the world in exchange for goods taken back up the river.
For centuries, since Y9620*, Ammuken has been led by a Sharruma-appointed overseer. Originally the two cities were allies and shared in the profits of the platinum trade, but after Ammuken's short-lived monarchy was deposed in Y9619* Sharruma moved in to exert control directly. In the last two hundred years Sharruma has begun hiring mercenaries from outside Brightmarch, largely to keep control of Ammuken as well as ward off renewed attacks from the black dragon Illuyanka.
Almost every overseer has been primarily concerned with ensuring their city-state's trade can continue uninterrupted, regardless of the state of Ammuken. As a result, the city is physically sharply divided. The river corridor and docks are built up and well-defended by mercenaries paid by and loyal to Sharruma, on guard both to ensure the lucrative trade continues uninterrupted and to keep Ammuken's populace in line. Class divides in the city are stark - the wealthy Sharrumite administrators live in a walled neighborhood next to the dock, surrounded by the much less developed districts away from the river.