The Gulf of Aserdus (pronounced ah-SER-duss) is a major body of water separated from the Invelaust Ocean by the Cradle. Many communities have grown around and within this placid sea.
The Gulf of Aserdus connects to the Invelaust Ocean through two straits. In the north, one strait lies between Hinthial and the Cradle, where there was once a land bridge before it was intentionally sunk by the elves. In the south, the other strait is between the Cradle and the lands of Brightmarch. To the east, the shoreline of the gulf is dry yet somewhat temperate before turning into the desert of the Sangora Desolation.
Since ancient times the elves have lived around the Gulf of Aserdus, first in the Cradle and then in Hinthial. Many others have made their homes around the gulf as well. The bustling city-state of Yarma sits where the Yarma River flows into the gulf, and the lives of many of the diverse peoples of Brightmarch are closely connected to the water as well. Teshub is built around an old elven lightspire, now repurposed to guide ships far out to sea. In Kiyashe, many peoples of the sea live in flooded cenotes that eventually connect into the Gulf of Aserdus.
Unlike most other major bodies of water, trade within the Gulf of Aserdus is primarily between communities bordering the sea - merchant vessels from farther afield are less common than might be expected elsewhere. Most mercantile traffic comes and goes from Yarma, where it then travels overland using the trans-Sangora trade routes.