This is an in-setting written work. It is written from a particular perspective and may or may not be factually accurate.
A History of Fortress Istalonis
By Unknown Machaian scholar
A brief history of Fortress Istalonis, a once-thriving minotaur settlement in the Sentinel Peaks of HelleaFortress Istalonis, in the shadow of the Sentinel Peaks, was the greatest works of the finest minotaur masons, an artistic marvel unrivaled by any, even the most renowned of the southern temples and palaces. A mountain was removed to build it and yet more were demolished for only the finest of stone - if it was necessary to quarry thousands upon thousands of tons to find a block of pure white marble large enough for a single brick, then it was done, and done a hundredfold and more. From every direction came the minotaurs, from the great city of Stoneshelter and the most remote villages past the Galevo, to labor towards this great castle, their combined Khalkean efforts summoning forth walls, palaces, and battlements all decorated with reliefs and statuary, and above them all the highest tower from which to survey the brilliant fortress of white. Years and decades and centuries and the fortress was complete. The minotaurs departed and returned home, except for those chosen by the fortress itself, who remained as its protectors.
For hundreds of years Fortress Istalonis stood strong. Armies besieged it again and again, those of the giants and the city-states alike, while the minotaurs within continued uninterrupted their long debates on philosophy, theology, and the sciences, enclosed and secure within their armor of marble. And should the stone become scratched, for more was never the case, the masons simply repaired it as new. Every adversary Fortress Istalonis survived, until the arrival of the hero-god conqueror and the largest army yet seen, collected from all peoples and all realms and all city-states across Hellea. As he marshaled his legions of siege engines and his war-mages and his flying mounts, the minotaurs of Istalonis faced a choice, as they knew this would be one foe against which their fortifications would struggle. Rather than see their work, their pride, the finest of their people, see damage from which it could not be repaired, they surrendered, and the hero-god marched in.
Soon the emperor continued his march west, where not long after he met his fate, and the fate of his empire with it. It is much presumed that the minotaurs never returned, their community broken, and yet they did, as less than ten years later the kyrios of Fortress Istalonis were sending messengers telling of their return to Fortress Istalonis.
Today it lies in ruins.