
From gronkfinder
Revision as of 05:11, 7 December 2023 by Gronk (talk | contribs)

Shu'truk (pronounced SHOO-trook) is a city in the Allani Forest established and inhabited by trolls. The community is led by Nlazak, a particularly large and strong troll who has formed a cult of personality around himself. The few outsiders who have visited report that the social structure of the city is held together only by Nlazak's force of will and the trolls' personal loyalty to their leader.

The city is built around the ruins of an old Amshani fortress, which is now used as Nlazak's throne room. The rest of the city sprawls into the forest, mostly crudely constructed, semi-subterranean homes.

Nlazak claims he created Shu'truk in order to have a land for the trolls to call their own, and that he does not wish for future conflict with the Amshani settlements nearby. Though most non-trolls do not believe these claims, none can deny the Allani Forest has become far more peaceful since the city was established.