Mostegedda is a primarily catfolk region within the Taizzan Expanse, nestled into the Shields. Free-spirited yet communal, the catfolk here often set off to see the broader world as adventurers and explorers.
Geography, flora, and fauna
Catfolk make up the largest demographic within Mostagedda, by quite a large margin.. Humans, gnomes, ifrit, tieflings, and oreads account for much of the rest of the population. Mostagedda is also home to some of the southernmost communities of orcs who still maintain their traditional tribal structures.
Gnoll tribes of the Taizzan Expanse often enter the region, but remain broadly separate from Mostageddan society.
Though reclusive and highly secretive, small groups of nephilim live a nomadic existence in the southern and eastern reaches of Mostagedda, within the foothills of the Shields.
A small number of jackalweres reside within Mostagedda as well, many of whom hide their second form and integrate into the cities and towns of the region.