Eight Suns is a large but obscure demiplane. At first appearances, Eight Suns seems to be a model star system floating in a black void, but the singular planet of the system expands to a full world when approached.
When first accessed, Eight Suns takes the appearance a black void with a model of a solar system floating within it. The system is rather small, comparatively speaking, and displays a number of astronomical oddities. A singular planet is located in the exact center of the system, with eight Class B blue stars orbiting it, equally spaced along the same orbital path. The planet is held at equilibrium between the eight stars, never moving as the rest of the system orbits around it. Farther out, a significant distance away from the center of the system, lies a strangely uniform asteroid belt.
While Eight Suns appears at first to be infinite, if one travels far enough into the void they will inevitably loop back around to the model star system. The celestial bodies in the demiplane appear to be scale models - the suns are about fifty feet in diameter each, with the planet at a proportional size.
Approaching the stars or the planet within Eight Suns appears to warp space, making the closest object seem much larger and the others smaller and farther away. Anyone who touches any of the objects is transported to their surface, at roughly the location of contact - from the surfaces of either the suns or the planet, they are no longer models but rather full-sized celestial bodies.
The planet in the center of Eight Suns is constantly bathed in light and ultraviolet radiation from the titular eight suns. The concept of night is an unknown one to the inhabitants of the planet, as the stars are evenly spaced and thus always providing light to the surface.
From the planet's surface, it is possible to see the two suns but no other celestial bodies, even when the sky is at its relative darkness.
Eight Sun's planet is full of life, though much of it looks markedly different from life on Kishar. Dense forests and plains dominate the landscape at all latitudes, with relatively small permanent bodies of water. Plant life has many similarities in appearance to that of the First World, with vibrant hues of blues, pinks, purples, and reds. Both flora and fauna take on outlandish, alien forms, evidence of a highly different evolutionary history from that of Kishar. Weather patterns on the planet are regular and predictable, as clouds pass in longitudinal bands moving east to west.
In addition to the animal life of the planet, communities of humanoids also call it home. Though much of the planet is uninhabited, a number of cities dot the equatorial and subtropical belts. The inhabitants of these cities are seemingly aphorites, whose recorded history indicates a long presence in Eight Suns with no discernible source or beginning. These aphorites refer to their homeworld as Urutan, and have a rich tapestry of cultural practices and traditions.
Divine magic completely fails to function within Eight Suns. Other forms of magic are still available, but decreased in potency - spells greater than fourth level always fail when their casting is attempted. The inhabitants of Urutan have had no religious practices in their history, though some ritualized cultural traditions appear similar.
The few outsiders who travel to Eight Suns often find it difficult to leave safely, due to the limited magic that functions within the demiplane and the lack of portals connecting it to other realms. Some have chosen to remain on Urutan in the aphorite cities, where they are generally accepted though viewed with curiosity - the Urutanites generally do not believe other planes to exist, and fail to understand the attempted explanations of outsiders regarding their origins. Instead, most believe there to be communities of others, unlike them, who hide somewhere in the vast unknowns of their planet.
There are no records of who created Eight Suns, or why. Some suspect it was intended as an experiment of sorts, but none can conclusively state the purpose of the experiment or the nature of the researchers.