Sura Quis

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Sura Quis (pronounced SOO-rah KEESE) is the tengu ruler of the city of Lyare in the southern parts of the Western Coast. Quis was formerly a very successful privateer who for decades took on contracts with Eretrebus, Tirione, and the many Tirionite conglomerates who have interests in the area, protecting their ships from the pirates who watch for easy prey leaving the ports of the region. Some suspect Quis worked with these pirates himself, effectively operating a protection racket where the pirates were directed to attack the vessels of those who did not pay him, but there is little conclusive proof of this. Certainly he was quite wealthy by the time he decided to settle down in Lyare in Y9951*. Soon after his arrival in the city Quis installed himself as Lyare's new ruler, using his old crew for manpower and support. After ousting the former mayor of the once-quiet port city, Quis rewrote Lyare's laws to make a system of geniocracy, or rule by the intelligent, to be the basis for the local government. Naturally, he claims himself to be the cleverest one around, and therefore all matters of government should fall to him.

Quis has cemented his rule with the support of a garrison of Ishtaran mercenaries paid by the Silver Falcon Company. Quis has unclear dealings with the Company - though they seem to be supporting and aiding his control of Lyare, it is unclear what they gain in turn.