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Asteria (pronounced as-TEER-ee-ah) is a region mostly inhabited by settlers from Hellea who have established themselves around Lake Aster. Largely unorganized, the people of Asteria greatly value their personal independence and freedom.

Geography, flora, and fauna

Located just south of frigid Talgazan, Asteria is subject to cold, harsh winters but more mild summers. The growing season in Asteria is rather short as a result, which for a long time resulted in a lack of permanent habitation.

The actual borders of Asteria are highly indeterminate - the region is determined by cultural identities, not state borders. There is no single central Asterian government to set the outline of the region. Instead, "Asteria" is merely the term used to refer to where the people who consider themselves Asterian live, an area that is slowly yet continually expanding. To the east Izgrev is unable to stop settlers from moving past its porous borders, and Talgazan has never had defined boundaries anyway.

Asteria gets its name from its central geographical feature, Lake Aster. The lake itself is named after the large number of aster flowers that grow around its shores. A number of rivers, most originating from within the Runewith Mountains, Sentinel Peaks, or Whispering Hills, feed into the lake.

Most of the surface area of Asteria is a patchwork of plains and forest. Trees are a mix of deciduous and coniferous, varying mostly based on latitude. Groves of silver birch grow in the northern reaches of Asteria, with almost reflective bark that can be disorienting to the unprepared. Some seek out these groves not for the trees but rather for the hallucinogenic mushrooms that frequently grow near their bases. Sugar maples are also fairly common, and in the late winter months many Asterian farmers harvest the sap of the maple in order to refine it into a sweetener.

A variety of other plants are also commonplace in Asteria. Forest edges tend to be the domain of tangled masses of brambles and bushes. Though often thorny and painful to move through for the unprepared, a number of these bushes produce delicious berries. Care must be taken, of course, as some of these are also poisonous. While the lake is named for the aster plant, a variety of other types of wildflowers also dot the shorelines.

While some megafauna more closely associated with Talgazan also live in Asteria, animals around the lake tend to be less gigantic. Deer and moose are quite common, as are wolves and bears. Many in Asteria are quite wary of bears, as they fear encountering their larger relatives, the short nosed bear. Small animals are also very widespread - Asteria is not highly developed at all, and the majority of the region is still functionally wild. These animals also live among magical beasts both large and small, though magical animals are less common than their mundane cousins.

A number of different forms of dragons live in or around Asteria. In particular, the forests are home to green dragons of which travelers must be wary, while white and silver dragons dwell in the southern and northeastern mountains.

Those that live around Lake Aster tell tales of a huge and mysterious monster that hides in the depths of the lake. Descriptions vary, but most agree the creature to be some form of long necked freshwater sea serpent. Nobody can quite agree as to whether the creature is hostile or friendly, or even how many there are. All who claim to have spotted the monster report that it almost immediately vanished back under the surface.


Although the Asterian Trail first saw use centuries ago, within the last few decades immigration to Asteria has begun to pick up once again due to concerns about Hellean instability.


The demographics of Asteria mirror, for the most part, those of the regions from which the settlers originate. Asteria is predominately human, and also has sizable populations of dwarves, half-elves, half-orcs, sylph, aasimar, tieflings, tengu, and others.

Though it is far outside of where they can normally be found, a very small number of cyclops have followed other populations into Asteria.

The human, orc, and giant tribes that call Talgazan home also live in the northern part of Asteria, though they do not consider themselves Asterian.



The people of Asteria primarily worship the gods of the Hellean pantheon. As the patron of those that build civilization, Khalkeus is one of the most popular deities in the region. While large temples to Khalekus are uncommon, villages will frequently have small shrines to the god, and it is not uncommon for his followers to have small statues of him in their own houses as well. Worship of Hemera and Lycia are also widespread. Asteria is also one of the few regions outside Hellea where Koroibos has a sizable following.

The hero-gods of cyclopean prophecies almost entirely dwell in the Hellean peninsula, but Asteria is the notable exception to this rule. Two hero-gods are known to have come from Asteria, though some doubt the divinity of one. Lykekro was once a renowned explorer before gaining demigodhood, though none know his current location after he set off in an attempt to chart the chaotic outer planes. The quasi-mythical beast of Lake Aster is also claimed by many to be a hero-god, and some purport to receive the creature’s blessing and divine spells. Others, however, believe these are tricksters or frauds and merely cleverly disguising their arcane magical abilities.


Many holidays in Asteria are based around important times for agriculture, particularly the vernal equinox and the autumnal equinox. These are a mix of merriment and work, as both holidays signify there is much labor to be done. The winter solstice is especially widely anticipated in Asteria, where many celebrate it by creating bonfires, drinking great amounts of alcohol, and telling increasingly more outlandish tall tales.

Broadly speaking, Asteria has inherited the highly competitive traditions of Hellea. Competitions of many types are prevalent in communities both large and small, whether that be tests of physical strength, intellect, or skill in some craft. These are generally good-natured affairs amongst friends or at least acquaintances, and often serve as entertainment for the whole tavern, neighborhood, or village. Betting is also quite common in Asteria.

The people of Asteria place a heavy emphasis on hospitality, whether that be to family, friends, or complete strangers. The dangers of the land are well understood among the rural population, who will frequently offer any food or accommodations they have at their disposal to passing travelers, so that they will not be forced to forage for food or sleep in the woods.


Most Asterians greatly value freedom and self-sufficiency, and tend to resent those who impose rules or restrictions on them that they view as arbitrary. The small fiefdoms within Asteria have learned not to provoke the ire of their citizenry, who view feudal overlords as acceptable only as long as they provide protection and do not demand excessive taxes or are overbearing or tyrannical in some other way. These attitudes have contributed to the prevalence of republican forms of government within Asteria, though these are often not quite as equal as they first sound.


Hellean is the most often spoken language in Asteria, followed by Common and Thadrian. Racial languages are also used by their native speakers. A small number of Asterians have found it useful to learn Aurignacian, Jotun, and/or Orcish in order to communicate with those from Talgazan, but most view their northern neighbors as uncivilized.

Food and cuisine

Though Asterian cuisine is inspired somewhat by that of Hellea, especially with regard to herbs and spices, it is severely constrained by the fact that many ingredients central to Hellean food simply cannot grow well in more northern latitudes. As a result, it tends to use the same seasonings while replacing much of the staple ingredients. Wheat, pumpkins, beets, carrots, potatoes, and barley are the most common crops, and sheep and goats are commonly kept for meat, milk, and cheese. Geese and chickens are also kept for both meat and eggs, and fish are caught in the lakes and rivers. Some farmers also keep small orchards, usually apple or cherry trees, as well as grapes or blueberries. Pastries and pies are common both as a hearty food after a long day of work, and as a method to efficiently make use of all ingredients at one’s disposal. Breads with herbs and flowers are also something of a signature of Asterian food, simple yet delicious. Meals tend to be accompanied by either ale, mead, or more commonly teas, usually made with the herbs and flowers that are native to the region.


Most who live in Asteria are small-scale farmers, who are self-sufficient to a large degree between their crops, animals, and ability to create and mend many everyday items. Cottage industries are common, with most villages having some form of blacksmith, tailor, and so on.


Two small magical institutes have been established in Asteria - one in Samakros, and another in Mesada. These both split their activities between mentoring new students and researching relics from the ancient ruins in the Runewith Mountains and Whispering Hills. The institutes have something of a friendly rivalry, and frequently compete to fund adventurers to delve into dangerous sites to find artifacts first.


See also: Asterian Trail

Most inhabitants of Asteria are either settlers or the descendants of settlers from Hellea. During periods of increased conflicts, strife, and rapid social upheavals in Hellea, some have decided to leave their homeland and seek a peaceful if often difficult life elsewhere. While most originally hail from the Hellean peninsula, some people have also moved to Asteria from Viridia or other Thadrian states, Izgrev, or even as far away as Tirione.

While there are a multitude of possible methods, those that have moved to Asteria over the centuries have primarily taken one of three routes. The most direct of these is to trek north through the Sentinel Peaks, usually starting from either Magnia or Metrya. Few travel this route, however, not just for the rough terrain, bitter cold, and unpredictable weather, but also for the trolls and white dragons that live amongst the mountains. If not for human affairs, the easiest route to Asteria would be to sail through the Tanerde Gate, land in Izgrev, and then travel overland near Lake Aster. This is stymied by Viridia, which views the new arrivals as undermining its control of Izgrev and therefore its economic fortunes in the Phiora Sea. Colonists who are caught attempting to pass through Viridian territory undetected are often pressed into labor gangs as part of their punishment.

The third route, and by far the most often taken, is by way of the Asterian Trail. This trail has slowly grown over the centuries into the most reliable route north to Asteria, beginning at either Aletol or Dymaza.


As the region remains mostly wild, travel in Asteria can require some precautions. Travelers are advised to watch out not only for animals but also magical creatures, up to and including dragons. Though despised by most Asterians, some bandits also prey on the under-prepared.


While in some of the larger cities the architecture is inspired by that of Hellea (though never reaching anywhere near the same grand scale), most buildings in Asteria are relatively simple in design and made with easily sourceable local materials. Wood and stone or brick are most commonly used, which, when combined with the thatched roofing, gives most buildings a rustic appearance. In the outskirts of Asteria, particularly in the open plains of the southwest, some settlers construct sod houses until more lumber can be acquired. Some choose to continue to use sod as insulation, as it provides a good amount of protection from the winter cold. Religious or ceremonial buildings in larger cities are often constructed in the image of Hellean temples, though as marble is not easy to obtain in Asteria, they are usually much smaller and made of different types of stone than their southern counterparts.


Asteria has no central government, and instead is comprised of a patchwork of republics and fiefdoms in a shifting web of alliances and promises. While this type of system has some innate sources of instability, the small population of Asteria combined with their lack of incentive to fight amongst themselves ensures the region stays broadly peaceful.

One of the most prominent of these alliances is the Eastern League, with the cities of Samakros, New Asetta, Breta, and Lakov as its members.


Most inhabitants of Asteria are farmers or otherwise live in small agricultural communities. The larger settlements tend to be centers of cottage industries as well as local trade hubs. Though self-sufficient to a high degree, Asteria is not a wealthy region.

Trade with most foreigners tends to be somewhat sporadic. Despite the attempts of their Viridian overlords to stop it, Izgreve merchants trade with the Asterians fairly regularly. However, due to the time or difficulty involved in travel to Asteria, few traders from other locations make the trip frequently. People from Koritan also occasionally travel to Asteria.

Though very dangerous, some merchants have begun hiring crews to capture megafauna from Talgazan and send them back to Hellea to fight in the Bloodbath during the Trials of Koroibos. Many of the animals escape along the way back, and travelers along the Asterian Trail have begun reporting sightings of mammoths and woolly rhinos weirdly far south.