Shroud of Justice

From gronkfinder

The Shroud of Justice are the archons, paladins, and other individuals who assist the dragon Zandroanyx in apprehending and surveilling the great evil-doers of the world.

The core membership of the Shroud are archons in service to Zandroanyx. His circle of spyglass archons are some of the best intelligence-gatherers in the world, able to infiltrate palaces, strongholds, and anywhere else in order to observe agents of evil. These archons usually work alone but do occasionally team up when the situation warrants it. Zandroanyx sends members of the Shroud across the world to preemptively scout out those who have dangerous plans before they are able to carry them out. Many lantern archons serve as assistants to Zandroanyx, helping him with minor tasks, serving as messengers, and keeping an eye on Atonement. The prison-fort itself is staffed with shield and preceptor archons, who interact with the prisoners directly, as guards and as chaplains of sorts.

Individuals wishing to speak with Zandroanyx or his agents must contact members of the Shroud. While there is no established process for doing this, generally a reliable method of doing so would involve asking a powerful and influential lawful good paladin or cleric to facilitate communication. While putting out a direct public statement, in a broadside for example, may also get the Shroud’s attention, doing so can often be risky if one wishes to remain covert.