Zakros Range

From gronkfinder
The Zakros - wild, imposing, something more than stone and earth. From the peaks or from below, all cower at the weight of the mountain gods.

The Zakros Range (pronounced ZOK-rohs) is a major mountain range that runs from the Phiora Sea in the northwest to the Kirnashal Sea in the southeast, separating Thadria and the eastern coast of the Chaska Sea from the Aban Steppe. Historically the rough, snow-capped mountains have served as a barrier to travel, encouraging the use of the Hundred Days Road and other trade routes that go around the range. Though journeying through the Zakros can be treacherous for those unfamiliar with the dangers of the mountains, many communities thrive amongst the isolated peaks and valleys.

Dragons are particularly common in the Zakros Range, especially around Dalbanu, New Sotosa, and Varastok.