The Yadena Cartel (pronounced yah-DEN-ah) has carved out a sizable territory for itself, supporting its operations through selling the odd drug-like fluids that seep out of ancient structures in the hills. The cartel has a close relationship with Tarkuus, which provides resources and security in exchange for a cut of the profits.
Geography, flora, and fauna
Most of Yadena is covered by dense tropical forests. Yadena is far enough inland that it is not severely affected by the monsoons that regularly strikes the Gulf of Timakal, yet the region still receives significant seasonal rainfall. Many marshes and lakes dot the landscape. Temperatures are high year round though with some seasonal variability.
The forests of Yadena grow over a hilly and rough terrain. Not all of these uplands are wholly natural, however. Some are the remains of ancient structures built by some long-lost civilization, buried and reclaimed by the forests since they were abandoned long ago. For experienced adventurers, delving into these structures can be a lucrative endeavor, as long as the cartel does not believe this to be interfering with their operations. The Crucible mines, or simply Crucibles, that have made the cartel so wealthy are the remains of these entombed structures, many of which now leak fluids with strange properties.
In the days of the Sangiran Empire, the territory of modern Yadena was once the northern frontier of Vaothan. Even before the Empire's collapse, the area was rather unstable as imperial forces frequently struggled to maintain control of the largely undeveloped and unorganized land.
Though the liquid that seeps out of the Crucibles was long known to local inhabitants, its properties remained obscure to the broader world. It was not until a group of alchemists arrived in the region in Y9586* that the fluid was extensively studied. Led by Otan Marala, Kenga Diir, Cantis Turo, and Olemedi Varhastlara, these researchers quickly realized its potential. The alchemists changed their focus from research of the fluid to its harvest, with the chief scholars remaining as leaders. Gradually, these figures came to be known first informally and then formally as the Four.
The impromptu cartel struggled initially, finding it difficult to sell openly with imperial control of Vaothanite cities. When Vaothan declared independence in Y9612*, the Four saw their chance. With their drug-derived wealth, they hired an army of mercenaries and announced to the world that the cities of Rockmouth, Raihad, and Anduri, as well as the surrounding lands, were theirs. In the midst of its own social and political upheaval, Vaothan was unable to address its northern secessionists.
Since then, the cartel has thrived. Trade arrangements with Tarkuus have greatly lessened Yadenan reliance on Vaothan, as the cartel is now free to transport its goods to the ports of Tarkuus and sell to the world. The cartel continues to maintain a large force of mercenaries, who are handsomely paid to ensure their loyalty. Though the individuals have died and been replaced in the centuries since, the Four continue to lead the Yadena Cartel.
Yadena is primarily populated by humans, half-elves, nagaji, and tieflings. They are joined by significant populations of various other ancestries. The presence of the cartel's mercenaries have brought a highly diverse population to the region, many of whom have chosen to remain once their contracts are complete.
Many of the nagaji inhabitants of Yadena oppose the cartel, though most of them do not dare to do so openly.
The gods Tarhunz and Nisaba are popular and commonly worshiped among the ranks of the cartel. Nisaba also has many followers within the common people of Yadena, as do Aduntarri and Socharin.
Due to the presence of the cartel and their mercenaries, Common has become the language of choice across Yadena - the disparate inhabitants have found it convenient to adopt this tongue for ease of communication. Timakal and Nagaji are very widely used as well. Nagaji is not only used by individuals of its eponymous ancestry but also by the broader population. Some in Yadena, mostly those that live near Tarkuus or deal closely with the drug trade, have also found it useful to pick up at least a basic understanding of Necril.
Drug trade
Known as the alchemical melange across much of the world, the substance sold by the Yadena Cartel is sought after by many wealthy individuals. Though already inherently rare, the cartel carefully manages available supply to keep prices as high as possible. The melange is widely seen as a high-status drug, something only for the elites of society - the cartel cultivates this image too. The substance is only sold to certain approved middlemen, who themselves are instructed on strict guidelines as to who is an acceptable buyer. Even if one can find a vendor and afford the high prices, there is no guarantee that they will be allowed to purchase the drug.
However, the unpredictable and sometimes highly noxious effects of the drug have posed a continual problem for the cartel. While users sometimes experience incredible sensations and are granted useful boons, some temporary and some permanent, they are more likely to suffer debilitating side effects. To most that partake in the substance, this is little concern - for many, it is more about the status than the experience itself. For the cartel, however, this uncertainty is not precisely desirable. While it is not the most likely event, some users of the drug become incapacitated or even quickly die as a result.
Cartel alchemists have spent decades trying to refine and alter the properties of the drug, in order to both reduce the likelihood of negative consequences as well as make it even more addictive. So far, success has been mixed. Some attempts have been disastrous and only increased the toxicity, while others have only resulting in muting all the effects at once. This is an ongoing project prioritized by the cartel leaders and undertaken by many of the cartel's alchemists. The Yadena cartel has for years attempted to seek out the most knowledgeable alchemists around the world in the hopes of finally making a breakthrough.
Though the populations of the towns and cities under the cartel's control are not required to pay taxes, they are required to work to provide the cartel with the melange. Each community near a Crucible is given a quota to meet, extracted from the buried wrecks under the close supervision of cartel administrators and mercenaries. By and large, cartel leadership does not care about the methods used to ensure these quotas are met, as long as the Crucibles themselves are undamaged and the full amount is provided.
Although most Yadenans avoid involving themselves with cartel operations, for some the potential of acquiring a relatively high-paying role working in security or the drug trade is enough of an enticement.
Most Yadenans live in small towns across the nation. The three large cities of Yadena are quite small by the standards of its neighbors; the largest, Raihad, is home to only around 25,000 individuals.
Rockmouth, the northernmost city in Yadena, is the headquarters of the cartel is located. The elevated settlement has been built on and around one of the largest and most productive Crucibles.
Yadena is under the exclusive control of the Yadena Cartel. Though the cartel exercises absolute authority, by and large they have little interest in details of rule that do not affect their business. Cities and towns are governed by cartel-appointed leaders, who generally attempt to do little besides maintain order and compliance. The cartel's mercenary army is used both as border guards and as police, watching over their citizens to ensure the profits continue to flow.
The cartel itself is led by the Four. Each of the Four has a specific area of concern within the cartel; one is responsible for manufacturing the drug, another for its trade, and the others for security and research. Upon the death or retirement of one of the Four, the others nominate a successor for the open role. Relations between the Four swing widely, as they form alliances and negotiate arrangements to attain more personal power.
The cartel supports its operations by selling the melange from the Crucible mines. Almost all trade occurs through Tarkuus, as neither Vaothan nor the giants of Matarsah wish to involve themselves with the cartel. A very profitable endeavor, the proceeds from this trade go entirely to enriching the cartel.
The common people are highly self-sufficient, mostly as a matter of necessity. The drug caravans transport little else, unless heavily bribed, and Vaothan officially refuses to trade with anyone in Yadena. Nevertheless, items can always be smuggled between the two realms.