
From gronkfinder

The Thevrumines (pronounced thev-ROO-min-ess) are an elven tribe and one of the Great Houses of Talmithe. Their witch-warriors are equally respected and feared, as despite the violence they can inflict through their combat trances, the soldiers of the tribe are critical in protecting the disparate peoples of Talmithe.


Though they maintain stories of their history going back to the Banishment, the Thevrumines themselves, as a tribe and Great House, formed only in the seventh millennium. Multiple smaller tribes, under threat from the internecine wars that characterized Talmithe in that period, banded together, casting aside their previous identities and forging a new one. Still, this history remains visible in modern Thevrumines society. Though the old tribes were officially disbanded and their leadership subsumed into the structure of the new Great House, current athumi can largely trace their lineage to the powerful families of this ancient past.


The Thevrumines lay claim to most of Talmithe and therefore take tribute from the majority of peoples in the region. Their domain stretches from the Gray River in the east to well past the Mino River in the west, except for the Forests of Stone, ceded to the Velparun long ago, and parts of the coast near Ortess under the control of the Hathna. Within this landscape, the tribe is heavily diffuse, as their preference for living around their subjects means that they generally eschew the formation of large, entirely Thevrumines settlements in favor of building their homes within the communities of other tribes.



Like the other Great Houses, the Thevrumines worship the gods of the Elven pantheon. Satres is foremost amongst the gods to them, with many large temples dedicated to the deity built near or within their tower homes. The veneration of Aritimi and Ais are likewise important to the Thevrumines.


The Thevrumines value martial prowess above all else. They hold that their Great House is responsible for the defense of all Talmithens, and that they must therefore be ready to face any threat that may arise. To this aim, many Thevrumines become witch-warriors, fighters that blend martial and magical techniques into a unique fighting style that uses brute strength to weaken their foes and allow for the precise application of devastating elemental spells. These fighters protect both their own communities and those outside Thevrumines control - even if other Great Houses may have their disagreements and disputes with the Thevrumines, the witch-warriors are never impeded from traveling in their territories.

Becoming a witch-warrior is a long and arduous process involving both physical and mental training. While elves are not normally known for their strength, some witch-warriors can accomplish feats that rival those of even the burliest orc. They condition themselves to enter trance-like states upon starting combat, only regaining full control of their faculties when all immediate threats are eliminated. Many keep to ascetic lifestyles, subsisting on the bare minimum of diets to maintain their strength and limiting their indulgence in foods to after a fight.

Almost no witch-warriors wear armor. Those that fight with weapons, and not all do, generally prefer hammers, maces, and other close-range blunt instruments.


The position of athumi within the Thevrumines is limited to those who have proved their skills in battle. They permit existing leaders to be challenged for their positions through ritualized non-lethal duels, but their deference and respect towards accomplished warriors means that these are infrequent occurrences. Individuals from outside the Great House are permitted to lead the tribe provided they have demonstrated their abilities to the same degree as is expected of any warrior of the Thevrumines.


Settled and nomadic tribes of humans, half-elves, grippli, catfolk, and even gnolls are all subject peoples of the Thevrumines. The Great House values understanding and participating in the traditions and practices of their subjects, more out of practicality than any sense of comradery. After all, it is far easier to lead those whose mindset one understands. The Thevrumines live, eat, and work alongside their subjects.

Thevrumines overlordship is not necessarily benevolent, however. In return for protection, the Great House demands their subjects contribute warriors to bolster their armies, enacting conscription in cases where the local population might be less than enthusiastic in their participation of such practices. These soldiers form the backbone of Thevrumines forces, trained, led, and carefully watched by experienced witch-warriors. The majority of the time this army is used to guard Thevrumines-controlled settlements and routes of travel, but they are also expected to participate in any conflicts in which the Great House finds itself.

Architecture and urbanization

The homes of the Thevrumines are built as great free-standing twisting towers, usually clustered together in groups of either three, six, or even nine, depending on the size of the surrounding settlement. Though primarily wooden in their construction, these towers are remarkably durable, treated to be heavily resistant to fires and layered enough to be able to sustain even heavy impacts. Much of the height of each tower is taken by narrowing metal spires, rather reminiscent in shape to the lightspires built by Eita. These serve practical purposes as lightning rods, but are more important to the Thevrumines as status symbols.

The towers are designed to withstand relatively prolonged sieges. Small stockpiles are kept under each, nowhere near the size of those of the Velparun yet still enough to feed residents of the home for several months. All windows are narrow slits to reduce possible entrances, and many roofs are spiked to discourage anyone or anything from landing on them.

Food and cuisine

Members of the Great House have attracted a reputation as lovers of coffee, grown and harvested in great quantities by their subject tribes. They use the bean not only as a drink but also in their foods, as everything from a meat rub to an ingredient in breads to a flavoring for sauces. The Thevrumines consume less meat than is typical within other Great Houses, reserving it as a meal for special occasions only. Eggplants, nuts, bamboo, taro, and various kinds of fruits and vegetables are all prominent ingredients in Thevrumines cuisine.