Sailing tree

From gronkfinder

Sailing trees are a kind of mobile tree found in Talmithe. On first appearances they are not particularly out of place within the tropical broadleaf forests of the region, save for their branches that to grow tilted upwards and oddly close to their trunk, but this changes when they decide to move. Upon the arrival of grazing herds of sauropods, a wildfire, particularly enthusiastic gatherers, or any other threat, the trees unfurl their branches like wings, release their shallow grip on the soil, and use their roots and extended boughs to propel themselves across the landscape with surprising speed.

The acorn-like seeds of sailing trees are a delicacy in Talmithe. Difficult to crack and harder to process to remove the toxins within, they are immensely labor-intensive to harvest and cook. Those that go through the trouble are rewarded with a flour that can be used to make naturally sweet and airy breads, a particular favorite amongst the children of Talmithe.

Sailing trees are found primarily in central Talmithe, but due to their locomotion they can easily spread across the landscape as they desire, sometimes ending up quite far afield. Seeds from the trees that were planted in southern Langkha have done remarkably well, though the passing of the small wandering forests are of great consternation to those laboring in the expansive rice fields.