
From gronkfinder

The Rootguard are the military and guards of the Marcher city-state of Xelas. Led by the Speaker for the Roots - as of Y9976*, Kubileya - the Rootguard is tasked primarily with aiding the ancient arboreal Anlabban in his vigil of the Emptiness at the center of the city, though when the need arises they also defend Xelas from any hostile force from without.

The Rootguard is an entirely volunteer force and therefore remains quite small, but they are not alone in protecting Xelas. Most Xelans have at least some martial training and can be called upon to defend their home when required - by being able to form small militias when required, the city is able to keep the Rootguard dedicated to their task while still addressing any dangerous creatures or people that venture too close to the city.

There is no standard uniform or equipment issued to the Rootguard. Rather, each individual uses their own weaponry and armor in whatever way suits them best.