Prevela (pronounced preh-VEH-lah) is the capital of the Kingdom of Koritan. In addition to acting as the political center of the kingdom, where the monarchy and the apparatus of state are located, it is also the site of a grand temple to Malavisch, widely viewed as where the leadership of his faith on Kishar reside.
In Y9950* Prevela completed an almost two century-long project to demolish and rebuild nearly the entirety of the city to follow a new design. The old, somewhat haphazard layout of streets was replaced with a new set of major roadways that form an extremely ordered grid within the city. Large expanses of the Prevela had to be destroyed to see this project to completion - while the wealthy largely relocated or rebuilt their homes as necessary, most were not able to do so. Many of the people of the lower classes who formerly lived in the city were forced to move, largely to one of the newly-formed dense slums on the outskirts. Only small sections of the old city remain, most notably the plaza around the grand temple in the north west.
In the aftermath of the Viridian invasion of Razgovir hundreds of years ago, it was the alliance between the church of Malavisch and the nobles of Prevela who were the most successful in driving the Dominion out of their lands. The city bears many signs of this history. Statues and monuments to exalted figures are everywhere throughout the city, in each square and along all the major thoroughfares.
Prior to the rise of Koritan, Prevela was a relatively small city, never larger in population than perhaps twenty thousand. It has grown greatly in the centuries since, faster than the rest of the kingdom, as many in the surrounding rural regions have flocked to the city.
Uniquely, the arch-priest of Prevela is the only in all of the kingdom that is appointed directly by the monarchy - all others are selected by the Malavischan church instead. Though the grand temple to Malavisch is located in Prevela, the arch-priest of the city does not lead it any more than any other arch-priest does, as only together do they form the conclave that governs the faith.