The Okoton Estuary (pronounced OH-koh-ton) is a large estuary in the Laqto Rainforest. Fed by the Arteries of the Rainforest, the many rivers that originate in the Fangs of Khurazar to the north and in the Southern Fangs to the east, in the estuary this vast amount of fresh water mixes with the saltwater of the Mhasmuth Ocean as it flows out to sea. The region is full of life, aquatic and otherwise.
The Okoton Estuary is split into three large branches, alongside a number of smaller ones. The largest, from west to east, are those fed by the Okoton River, the Shuwala River, and the Okelga River. Sandbars and small rocky islets are common throughout the estuary. Several barrier islands can be found in the Itkahi Bay, where small maritime outposts are frequently established. Water depths are generally shallow, not exceeding 80 feet.
Home to the people of Okoton, the estuary is by far the most densely inhabited part of the Laqto, though the cities and villages remain almost entirely directly along the water rather than expanding inland into the rainforest.