Kishar (pronounced kih-SHAR) is a habitable planet home to a great many cultures and societies.
Geography and climate
There are a number of large landmasses on Kishar, with varying climates and biomes across them. Deserts and arid regions cover much of the land area of the planet, though they are joined by large forests, jungles, plains, steppes, and tundra. Major population centers are especially clustered in more temperate areas along the planet's many oceans and seas.
Significant parts of the planet remain poorly mapped and little known to many on Kishar. Maps of the world have improved markedly in recent centuries, yet while most cultures may have gained much understanding of their own continents and an awareness of others across the great seas, lands far away across the waters tend to be uncommonly visited.
Major regions
The inhabitants of Kishar have had many thousands of years to travel, meet each other, trade, and exchange cultural practices, and as a result the world is quite interlinked and relatively cosmopolitan. Large cities, those with populations of over 100,000, are not common but not particularly rare either, especially within the most densely urbanized areas. Regions might have broad demographic trends, but within the larger cities one might expect to find individuals of all manner of ancestries. Similarly, it is quite common to find people who are multilingual.
Most societies and governments on Kishar are republics, bureaucratic monarchies, theocracies, or miscellaneous autocracies - feudalism, in its proper definition, is rather rare.
Nearby astronomical objects
Kishar has one moon, Abashmu, whose surface is easily visible with the naked eye.