House Corvus

From gronkfinder

House Corvus (pronounced CORE-vus) is a Viridian senatorial family and one of the ruling families of the protectorate of Izgrev. Along with House Asellus, House Laeva, and House Russus, the family was granted control of Izgrev when Viridia invaded the north coast of the Phiora Sea in the reign of the Sun King.

Since gaining co-rule of Izgrev, House Corvus has continually pursued efforts to pull as much control to itself as possible and away from the other senatorial families, with mixed success. They field their own military, independent both from the Viridian legions and the forces of Izgrev, even if they have had to rely heavily upon mercenaries to increase their number. The family has close ties and good relations with Razivia and often employs Razivian officers as commanders and military advisors.

For well over a century House Corvus has been attempting to build a new capital city for Izgrev at Adenia.

The current head of House Corvus is Valens Corvus.