Eopteryx (pronounced ee-OP-ter-ix) is a large, flying dinosaur found almost entirely in northern Brightmarch. These roc-sized creatures are covered in colorful feathers, shades of red, yellow, orange, and purple that vary on an individual by individual basis. Eopteryx are very capable predators, sometimes carrying animals larger than horses back to their nests to feed their young. The dinosaurs prefer to create nests in protected locations along rocky coastlines, but sometimes use stone outcroppings in forests as well.
Eopteryx feathers are innately magical and each provide a tiny amount of levitation, when the creatures desires it. Together, all their feathers combined provide eopteryx with great agility in the air. These feathers have long been considered expensive if trivial status symbols in Teshub and Yarma, usually worn as accessories. More recently inventors in Teshub have begun incorporating the feathers into the sails of their dawnships - these new prototypes have been significantly more successful.