Astakar (pronounced OSS-tah-kar) is a city in the dwarven nation of Barat Rkund. A classic example of Rkundi architecture and craftsmanship, the city is built into a mountainside, partially in the open air and partially underground. The exterior section of the city is well-defended by great stone walls, regularly patrolled by Astakar's citizen militias. Underground, long and well-decorated tunnels connect the meticulously planned neighborhoods carved from the stone.
Despite the best efforts of Astakar's clergy of Tharrus, worship of Edri has spread throughout the city. A large group of cultists occupy the ruined remains of an old observatory, located on a mountain peak a short distance to the west of Astakar.
In Y9975* the Speaker Council sent an expedition led by Girnakan Flintheart to investigate a magical anomaly underneath Erenon. The expedition encountered a pair of adventurers who had found the same phenomenon, a partially working anchor site, and the two groups teamed up for a time.